Matthew R. Perry

Archive for July 12th, 2006|Daily archive page

Deficient Derelicts

In Church Life, For Preachers/Pastors, Leadership, Theology on July 12, 2006 at 7:57 pm

Dr. Al Mohler of Southern Seminary has written a very compelling article dealing with what he calls “the deficit of doctrinal instruction” in many of our churches. He writes:

The church is faced in the postmodern age by several distinct apologetic challenges. Internally, the church must defend the faith against ignorance, against compromise, against doctrinal apathy, and against denial. The church now suffers from a breathtaking deficit of doctrinal instruction and biblical truth. In some churches, the great truths of the Christian faith are unknown, and in others, these truths are left dormant and untaught. Beyond this, the very real dangers of doctrinal corrosion and heresy threaten. (To read the rest of the article, click here.)

It seems that our churches by and large have handed off the theological instruction to our seminaries — not something I believe Paul nor Christ intended. Our churches are to be theological and missiological training grounds for all congregants, and especially ministers-in-training. Our churches must not only be afraid of commitment to serve but also of committing to think through their belief systems. Are we on target in our biblical thinking?