Matthew R. Perry

Posts Tagged ‘Campus Crusade for Christ’

Speaking at EKU’s Campus Outreach Tonight — Please Pray

In Christmas, Church Life, Evangelism on December 11, 2008 at 4:19 pm

I’m speaking tonight at EKU’s Christmas Outreach at 7:30. The theme is “Don’t Miss This Christmas” with the idea of not missing the true meaning. It will take place in the Student Services Building which seats between 500-600 people. Campus Crusade for Christ (hereafter, “CRU”) invited not only students but also faculty.

I ask for prayers for God to speak and just use me as His vessel. I’ll preach from John 1:14, which is the Christmas message in a nutshell, don’t you think?  I’m thankful to God for Adam Dixon, director of the EKU CRU for the opportunity.  I’m excited–but I want God to be glorified through His Word.
I’d appreciate your prayers.

A Great Way To Propose (Congratulations Kenneth and Kellyn)

In Church Life on May 2, 2008 at 6:08 pm

Kenneth and Kellyn started coming to our church about two years ago. Kenneth decided to make an “announcement” at their weekly CRU meeting.