Matthew R. Perry

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Possible missions trip to Trinidad in January ’07 — please pray

In Missions, Trinidad & Tobago on June 28, 2006 at 10:38 pm

td-lgflag.gifGod has placed a huge burden on my heart for the country of Trinidad and Tobago.  I believe that God has opened a great door for our church to do some construction work at the Mount Beulah Evangelical Baptist Church in Point Fortin from 23-31 January 2007.  The team will be called COMET 2007 (Christians On-Mission Engaging Trinidad).  Plus, I have been asked to do a Family Life Conference down there as well.

I’m asking you to pray for the following:

  • Six people have already committed to go.  Please pray that God would raise the finances necessary:  Approx. $750 for plane tickets, plus another $100 for extra money for emergencies. (I must say, God has already provided the finances for three of the six to go — He’s already at work!)
  • We are planning on tiling the church sanctuary, which we estimate will cost around $3000-3500.  Please pray that somehow, someway God will provide those finances.
  • That hearts and lives would be changed by God’s sovereign grace — both in Trinidad and even some of our own guys.  Who knows what God might do through them?

I covet your prayers, but if you are able to help with our finances, please send whatever help you can to:

Boone’s Creek Baptist Church
185 N. Cleveland Rd.
Lexington, KY 40509

Thank you and may God bless you!

Possible missions trip to Trinidad in January ’07 — please pray

In Missions, Trinidad & Tobago on June 28, 2006 at 10:38 pm

td-lgflag.gifGod has placed a huge burden on my heart for the country of Trinidad and Tobago.  I believe that God has opened a great door for our church to do some construction work at the Mount Beulah Evangelical Baptist Church in Point Fortin from 23-31 January 2007.  The team will be called COMET 2007 (Christians On-Mission Engaging Trinidad).  Plus, I have been asked to do a Family Life Conference down there as well.

I’m asking you to pray for the following:

  • Six people have already committed to go.  Please pray that God would raise the finances necessary:  Approx. $750 for plane tickets, plus another $100 for extra money for emergencies. (I must say, God has already provided the finances for three of the six to go — He’s already at work!)
  • We are planning on tiling the church sanctuary, which we estimate will cost around $3000-3500.  Please pray that somehow, someway God will provide those finances.
  • That hearts and lives would be changed by God’s sovereign grace — both in Trinidad and even some of our own guys.  Who knows what God might do through them?

I covet your prayers, but if you are able to help with our finances, please send whatever help you can to:

Boone’s Creek Baptist Church
185 N. Cleveland Rd.
Lexington, KY 40509

Thank you and may God bless you!

How Many Christians Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb? (Humor)

In Church Life, Humor on June 27, 2006 at 6:52 pm

Charismatic:  Only 1 – Hands are already in the air.

Pentecostal:  10 – One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.

Presbyterians:  None – Lights will go on and off at predestined times.

Roman Catholic:
  None – Candles only. (Of guaranteed origin of course.)

Baptists:  At least 15 – One to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad and fried chicken.

Episcopalians:  3 – One to call the electrician, one to mix the drinks, and one to talk about how much better the old one was.

Mormons:  5 – One man to change the bulb, and four wives to tell him how to do it.

Unitarians:  We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, you are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your light bulb for the next Sundayervice, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, 3-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence.

Methodists:  Undetermined – Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved. You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. Bring a bulb of your choice to the Sunday lighting service and a covered dish to pass.

Nazarene:  6 – One woman to replace the bulb while five men review church lighting policy.

Lutherans:  None – Lutherans don’t believe in change.

Amish:  What is a light bulb?

Gimme a V… Gimme a B … Gimme an S — what does it spell?

In Church Life on June 26, 2006 at 1:14 am

arcticedge_colorlogo.jpgThis week, our church will hold our annual Vacation Bible School. We will be using the LifeWay curriculum Arctic Edge: Where Adventure Meets Courage. This is by far the biggest outreach event of the summer for our church. We pray that God through His sovereign grace will draw many children to Himself through Jesus Christ.

Are any of you involved with Vacation Bible School this summer? If so, what do you think? How was it?

The “Other” Holiday Season (James Clymer, Constitution Party)

In Culture, Patriotic Days on June 24, 2006 at 11:28 pm

From the desk of James N. Clymer
Constitution Party National Chairman

It has become customary to refer to the period from Thanksgiving week through New Year's Day as the "holiday season," and with good reason. Many major holidays, including Christmas and Hanukkah, are clustered in that six-week span. With the passage of time, the holiday season has expanded, with the first Christmas decorations sometimes appearing before Halloween, and the holiday shopping season becoming the lynchpin supporting much of the entire retail sector. I enjoy Christmas and Thanksgiving as much now as I ever did as a boy, and am certain our culture would be immeasurably impoverished without them.

There is, however, a second holiday season, a span of five weeks in late spring and early summer when we observe no less than three holidays, all of them patriotic in nature, but only one of which is still celebrated in a way that our ancestors would remotely recognize.

The first, the "Thanksgiving" if you will, of the patriotic holiday season, is Memorial Day, which originated in May 1868 as "Decoration Day," in honor of those who fell in the War Between the States. After World War I, the holiday was expanded to honor all of America's war dead, and in 1971, it was made into a national holiday. Once upon a time, Americans honored Memorial Day with parades, visits to cemeteries, and other commemorative events. Nowadays, unfortunately, very few Americans under fifty see Memorial Day as anything more than a paid holiday and an excuse for a barbecue or a weekend camping trip.

Two weeks after Memorial Day, on June 14th, falls the almost-forgotten Flag Day. On this day in 1777, the standard that evolved into our modern-day stars and stripes was officially countenanced by the Continental Congress. It was first observed in 1877 on the hundredth anniversary of our flag's creation. Since then various U.S. Presidents, including Woodrow Wilson and Harry S. Truman, have given Flag Day national recognition. As reverence for the flag has diminished, so too interest in Flag Day has waned, although many patriotic organizations and individuals still observe the holiday. My home state of Pennsylvania, in fact, has made Flag Day a legal holiday!

Finally, on July 4th we celebrate our independence, although the date marks only the signing of the Declaration of Independence and not victory over Great Britain when our independence became an established fact. Independence Day is still marked by parades, fireworks, and other patriotic activities, all of which prove that love of country is alive and well in the United States of America.

It is unfortunate that we have so willingly allowed our independence to be compromised by membership in organizations like the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the International Monetary Fund, to mention but a few. The modern web of international governing bodies, all of which are designed to be way-stations on the road to world government, are often touted as enhancing our "interdependence." This they certainly do. However, it's worth pointing out that interdependence, unlike independence, is merely a form of dependence, the very antithesis of what our Founders wished for our nation. America is dependent on outside powers – for oil, manufacturing, borrowed money, and many other things – only to the extent that she chooses to be so. The assets of this great land are such that, if we wished, we could be self-sufficient for all of our essential needs.

Certainly the dead we honor on Memorial Day did not make the supreme sacrifice in the hope that America would someday become dependent on foreign powers. The flag we honor on Flag Day is not the standard of the United Nations or any other international body. And the independence we celebrate in early July presupposes dependence only on God, the grantor of our Rights.

May we of the Constitution Party all recommit our lives to honoring our country and the sacrifices of our forefathers, and to upholding the principles that have made America great during this, the "other" holiday season.

The “Other” Holiday Season (James Clymer, Constitution Party)

In Culture, Patriotic Days on June 24, 2006 at 11:28 pm

From the desk of James N. Clymer
Constitution Party National Chairman

It has become customary to refer to the period from Thanksgiving week through New Year's Day as the "holiday season," and with good reason. Many major holidays, including Christmas and Hanukkah, are clustered in that six-week span. With the passage of time, the holiday season has expanded, with the first Christmas decorations sometimes appearing before Halloween, and the holiday shopping season becoming the lynchpin supporting much of the entire retail sector. I enjoy Christmas and Thanksgiving as much now as I ever did as a boy, and am certain our culture would be immeasurably impoverished without them.

There is, however, a second holiday season, a span of five weeks in late spring and early summer when we observe no less than three holidays, all of them patriotic in nature, but only one of which is still celebrated in a way that our ancestors would remotely recognize.

The first, the "Thanksgiving" if you will, of the patriotic holiday season, is Memorial Day, which originated in May 1868 as "Decoration Day," in honor of those who fell in the War Between the States. After World War I, the holiday was expanded to honor all of America's war dead, and in 1971, it was made into a national holiday. Once upon a time, Americans honored Memorial Day with parades, visits to cemeteries, and other commemorative events. Nowadays, unfortunately, very few Americans under fifty see Memorial Day as anything more than a paid holiday and an excuse for a barbecue or a weekend camping trip.

Two weeks after Memorial Day, on June 14th, falls the almost-forgotten Flag Day. On this day in 1777, the standard that evolved into our modern-day stars and stripes was officially countenanced by the Continental Congress. It was first observed in 1877 on the hundredth anniversary of our flag's creation. Since then various U.S. Presidents, including Woodrow Wilson and Harry S. Truman, have given Flag Day national recognition. As reverence for the flag has diminished, so too interest in Flag Day has waned, although many patriotic organizations and individuals still observe the holiday. My home state of Pennsylvania, in fact, has made Flag Day a legal holiday!

Finally, on July 4th we celebrate our independence, although the date marks only the signing of the Declaration of Independence and not victory over Great Britain when our independence became an established fact. Independence Day is still marked by parades, fireworks, and other patriotic activities, all of which prove that love of country is alive and well in the United States of America.

It is unfortunate that we have so willingly allowed our independence to be compromised by membership in organizations like the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the International Monetary Fund, to mention but a few. The modern web of international governing bodies, all of which are designed to be way-stations on the road to world government, are often touted as enhancing our "interdependence." This they certainly do. However, it's worth pointing out that interdependence, unlike independence, is merely a form of dependence, the very antithesis of what our Founders wished for our nation. America is dependent on outside powers – for oil, manufacturing, borrowed money, and many other things – only to the extent that she chooses to be so. The assets of this great land are such that, if we wished, we could be self-sufficient for all of our essential needs.

Certainly the dead we honor on Memorial Day did not make the supreme sacrifice in the hope that America would someday become dependent on foreign powers. The flag we honor on Flag Day is not the standard of the United Nations or any other international body. And the independence we celebrate in early July presupposes dependence only on God, the grantor of our Rights.

May we of the Constitution Party all recommit our lives to honoring our country and the sacrifices of our forefathers, and to upholding the principles that have made America great during this, the "other" holiday season.

The Prayer of the Consistent Synergist (Reformation Theology)

In Church Life, Theology on June 24, 2006 at 2:59 pm

The Reformation Theology blog has a great post on the "Prayer of the Consistent Synergist."  Synergism is "…the doctrine that there are two efficient agents in regeneration, namely the human will and the divine Spirit, which, in the strict sense of the term, cooperate. This theory accordingly holds that the soul has not lost in the fall all inclination toward holiness, nor all power to seek for it under the influence of ordinary motives."  This gives some power of salvation to the human rather than salvation being solely "of the Lord" (Jonah 2:9).

I also noticed in the comments section how a synergist would sing Amazing Grace.  It is as follows:

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
My choice saved me!
I once was lost, but found my way,
Was partially vision-impared, but now am healed.

The Lord has promised good to me,
My action, His hope secures!
He shall my sheild and portion be,
So long as I don't lose my salvation.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come,
Twas my faithfulness that brought me safe thus far,
And I'll bring myself home.

A Southern Baptist Looks at the Doctrine of Election

In Theology on June 23, 2006 at 6:38 pm

The late Ernest Reisinger writes a very compelling and very biblical look at what I believe is the blessed doctrine of election (also known as the perseverance of the saints).  Click here to read.  You'll be blessed.

Was the SBC Conservative Resurgence Necessary? You Bet!!

In SBC, Theology on June 23, 2006 at 2:55 am

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of Southern Seminary, has a new blog dealing with issues pertaining to the SBC entitled Conventional Thinking.  In one entry, he gives some good reasons why the conservative resurgence in the SBC was entirely warranted and necessary.  Click here to read the entry and if you are a Southern Baptist, please bookmark this blog — it will be quite helpful in understanding all things SBC.

Congratulations to Frank Page, the new SBC President

In Church Life, SBC on June 14, 2006 at 2:05 am

Our family is having a wonderful time at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting here in Greensboro, NC.  It is truly a study in cooperation and parliamentary procedure — not to mention a great way to catch up on all the SBC entities.  The fellowship is nice as well.  I have had the chance to see people I haven't seen in years!  The high point in that aspect was seeing Chris Whaley and his family.  Chris serves as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Longwood, FL, and was very instrumental in me starting out in the ministry in the early 1990s.  

Special congratulations to Frank Page.  Although I voted for Jerry Sutton, it was clear that the other nominees jumped on the fact that Ronnie Floyd's church gave only 0.27% of their annual budget to the Cooperative Program.  Frank Page's church gives over 12%. 

The best and the worst lines of the convention came from Frank Page's nominator, Forrest Pollock, pastor of Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Fla..  The best was this: "My father could not spell SBC President without the letters 'CP'." 

But he also gave the worst, as noted, "This vote is not about theology, but methodology."  Are they mutually exclusive?  To most Southern Baptists, they must be.  Theology drives everything.  If theology is not driving your methodology, I'm not interested in your methodology. 

More tomorrow (hopefully).