Matthew R. Perry

Archive for May 22nd, 2008|Daily archive page

The Crucial Issue for a Barack Obama Presidency? Partial-Birth Abortion!

In 2008 Presidential Election, Abortion, Barack Obama on May 22, 2008 at 5:12 pm

From Justin Taylor’s blog:

Every evangelical should watch the first 10 minutes or so of this speech by Barack Obama, delivered to Planned Parenthood in July 2007. It contains an impassioned defense of partial-birth abortion.

Note carefully:

“This is what is at stake in this election.”

“It is time to write a new chapter in American history.”

“I have worked on these issues for decades now.”

“This election is not just about playing defense, it’s about playing offense. It’s not just about defending what is, it’s about creating what might be in this country.”

“On this issue, I will not yield.”

Our Hearts Are With You, SCC

In Uncategorized on May 22, 2008 at 5:05 pm

When I saw that Steven Curtis Chapman’s little daughter Maria was killed, my heart broke.  I mean, to pieces!!  And when I went to a tribute blog about her and saw the dates (2003-2008), my heart broke all over again because I have a daughter who, if she were to leave this earth, would have those same exact dates.  Once you have children, the pain of what SCC and his family are going through becomes so personal. 

Below is a video with SCC and Maria washing dishes.  In the midst of the crushing reality of her loss, there are memories like this that can uplift and crush all at once: uplift in that you praise God you had those memories to begin with, and crush because you will feel the great emptiness that that precious little girl leaves.

SCC and family, our hearts are with you. Please know that there is a pastor and a church in Lexington, Kentucky that cares deeply for you. I had a chance to meet you back in 2002 backstage after a concert which promoted the Wycliffe Bible Translators as well as presented Steve Saint, the son of one of the missionaries in Ecuador killed by the Auca Indians in 1955.  I pray that the hope in Christ that you have sung about over the years that has brought so much encouragement to so many will be yours during this time.