Matthew R. Perry

Archive for October 3rd, 2006|Daily archive page

Prayer for upcoming speaking/preaching engagements

In Trinidad & Tobago on October 3, 2006 at 4:11 pm

meansbcsign.jpgFrom October 15-18, I will speak at a Sovereign Grace Bible Conference at Means Baptist Church, Means, KY, where Joey Rogers pastors. Means averages around 35-40 on a Sunday morning, so pray that God will do a good work through Christ in the midst of those dear people. I’ll be preaching from Romans 8 on Security in the Spirit.


UKUL1.jpgAlso, I’ll be leading a Family Life Conference at the First Baptist Church of San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago, on January 26-27, 2007. We will also minister at the Mount Beulah Evangelical Baptist Church in Point Fortin where Roddie Taylor (pictured left wearing that nasty garment with those foul U-K letters on them) pastors. We will do some construction on his church (below) as well as doing some street preaching to the dear souls in that beautiful country.

I covet your prayers that God would speak and that His Word would go forth and that I would be faithful not just in preaching but in prayer and lifestyle. To God be the glory through Christ Jesus.