Matthew R. Perry

Archive for May 10th, 2006|Daily archive page

A Mother’s Guide to Spiritual Sanity (DJ)

In Uncategorized on May 10, 2006 at 11:02 am

The Discipleship Journal's E-newsletter sent along a nice little article called "Time Trials:  A Mother's Guide to Spiritual Sanity."  I feel that it might be helpful for a lot of your moms out there pressed for time to engage in spiritual devotions. 

What do some of you plan to do for Mother's Day, whether in your worship service or personally with the mommas in your life?

A Mother’s Guide to Spiritual Sanity (DJ)

In Uncategorized on May 10, 2006 at 11:02 am

The Discipleship Journal's E-newsletter sent along a nice little article called "Time Trials:  A Mother's Guide to Spiritual Sanity."  I feel that it might be helpful for a lot of your moms out there pressed for time to engage in spiritual devotions. 

What do some of you plan to do for Mother's Day, whether in your worship service or personally with the mommas in your life?