Matthew R. Perry

Archive for May 22nd, 2006|Daily archive page

Let’s Not Circle the Wagons, Church!

In Culture, DaVinci Code, Missions on May 22, 2006 at 7:45 pm

Christians take two different tracks when dealing with all things dealing with The DaVinci Code.  Some say, "We should not support it!  It's wrong and we need to tell people it's wrong."  Others say, "Read the book, watch the movie, and know what you're dealing with so you can engage the culture in a dialogue."

I confess, I'm in the second track and my mindset was vindicate in Great Clips of Frankfort, of all places.  Long overdue for a haircut and conducting some business in Frankfort today, I had a few minutes and stopped for a haircut.  I sat down in the chair and the worker asked me, "So, did you go to the movies this weekend?"  I said, "No, time wouldn't permit.  Why?"  She then started peppering me with information about The DaVinci Code.  She was hearing all sorts of things about it and said, "You know, it made me question the what I had been taught."  

Thankfully, I was able to answer some of her questions and put her mind to rest for the time being.   Yet, if I was that someone who said, "I'm a Christian and I just think that it's wrong and you shouldn't go see the movie because it's wrong," you may shut down the conversation before it even begins.  Yet, I was able to reassure her about the trustworthiness of the Scriptures, the fact that church has not been hiding everything under the sun, and that Jesus is who the Bible says He is, etc.

This movie is heresy, yes.  But it is also an opportunity to engage the culture in a conversation and to steer that conversation to the glories of Christ.

1 Peter 3:15-16
But in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; [16] yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

Let’s Not Circle the Wagons, Church!

In Culture, DaVinci Code, Missions on May 22, 2006 at 7:45 pm

Christians take two different tracks when dealing with all things dealing with The DaVinci Code.  Some say, "We should not support it!  It's wrong and we need to tell people it's wrong."  Others say, "Read the book, watch the movie, and know what you're dealing with so you can engage the culture in a dialogue."

I confess, I'm in the second track and my mindset was vindicate in Great Clips of Frankfort, of all places.  Long overdue for a haircut and conducting some business in Frankfort today, I had a few minutes and stopped for a haircut.  I sat down in the chair and the worker asked me, "So, did you go to the movies this weekend?"  I said, "No, time wouldn't permit.  Why?"  She then started peppering me with information about The DaVinci Code.  She was hearing all sorts of things about it and said, "You know, it made me question the what I had been taught."  

Thankfully, I was able to answer some of her questions and put her mind to rest for the time being.   Yet, if I was that someone who said, "I'm a Christian and I just think that it's wrong and you shouldn't go see the movie because it's wrong," you may shut down the conversation before it even begins.  Yet, I was able to reassure her about the trustworthiness of the Scriptures, the fact that church has not been hiding everything under the sun, and that Jesus is who the Bible says He is, etc.

This movie is heresy, yes.  But it is also an opportunity to engage the culture in a conversation and to steer that conversation to the glories of Christ.

1 Peter 3:15-16
But in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; [16] yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.