Matthew R. Perry

Can You Keep a Secret? (Ephesians 3:1-13)

In Sermons on October 8, 2006 at 6:22 pm

This question certainly speaks volumes about the character of the one being asked. You pray that they will not betray this trust, but all too many use this as a way to spread dirt to others who also will spread dirt.


It seems that there are people who should keep secrets but do not, while others should not keep that they end up keeping. We live in an upside down world where evil is good and good is evil — but here in the church we tend to be upside down as well. It reminds me of this great Norman Rockwell picture called “The Gossip.”

Throughout this passage, you will notice that the word “mystery” is used four times. When we use the word “mystery,” we immediately think of the whodunits of Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, or even Law and Order. The word ‘myster’ in the New Testament comes from the word musterion (musterion) which means to have something that was once hidden revealed to a particular few. In other words, this is now an open secret that is now seeing the light of day after being kept in the dark.

After reading through Ephesians 3:1-13, when asked if we can keep a secret, my answer would be in this case, “I certainly hope not.” You will see why this mystery, this secret, is actually great fuel for the church. This mystery reveals the Church’s power and mandate given by Jesus Christ that cannot and should not be hidden under a bushel.

(To listen to this sermon, click here. You will need Real Audio capabilities — log on to This was preached on Sunday, October 8, 2006 at Boone’s Creek Baptist Church. It will remain up until Sunday, November 5, 2006.)

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